About Us
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About Us

Clint Armstrong / Chief Director of Sharpness and Sarcasm

I have been making knives since 2012. In the first two years of my knife making career, I learned under the tutelage of Jeff White. In 2014, my wife and I started an online camping store called Deer Creek Wilderness Outfitters. Our focus with that company was oilskin tarps and custom knives. We operated DCWO for a few years and became an established brand in the bushcraft community but eventually the material that we used became unattainable. Without being able to find an adequate replacement, we decided to close the business and put my college degree to use.

For the last 6 years, I have been employed full time in the IT field and I spend every bit of free time that I get working on knives in the shop, expanding our homestead, or sharing my knowledge with others by teaching them the craft.

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About Our Company

We are still in the budding stages of Soteria Forge. It is a part time passion project that was conceived several years back, not long after the closing of our former business.

The name Soteria(Soh-Tay-REE-Ah) comes from the Greek word for salvation or redemption. Soteria has a triune meaning for us, however, and it shows up in these ways:

  1. Through the grace extended by God through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
  2. The mending of my spirit that God provides through exercising and sharing my creativity.
  3. The forming of lifeless and plain materials into something beautiful and useful.
  • Want to impress your buddies at the next BBQ or camping trip? Whip out a Soteria Forge knife and watch their jaws drop as you become the ultimate outdoor alpha male.
  • Need a tool to chop wood, carve your initials in a tree, or fend off a bear? Soteria Forge has got you covered
  • Want to be the envy of all your camping buddies? Whip out your Soteria Forge woods knife and watch as they bow down to you in admiration, like you’re the King of the Forest or something.

What We Do Best

Turning high quality steel and handle materials into beautifully crafted, functional tools for the outdoorsman and homesteader.

Sharpness level of my knives
Epicness of my beard
Faith in God






The beard is a statement to say that you can achieve anything, no matter who you are or how you look.

-Conchita Wurst